Friday, 11 March 2011

thought is just a thought but it has life when u have it

too many things in my head but i can work one at a time so no problem of any stress
these days though it looks outside as if i have no work - many things happening silently
which i only can witness - may be god knows but who knows the god to check this
new new people joining into the fold and pouring their love and grace to make this happen
always feeling high when i feel this and met these kind people
and also question pops up in the mind - am i worth for this?
to enjoy the life at this 7th hill peak where u can see the world and surrounding much better
when i see the longing of those people , to claim the mountain , i am wondering myself
don't i have such longing ? what makes me grazy to go for yatra again and again
definitely not the reason of no one is there or any compulsiveness
but someway in the middle of the process i started enjoying the complexities
which makes me more alive and less hesitation and resistant
this is only my feeling in this moment - i don't know how far is this true to myself
see today again with 40 to 45 people - though same terrain now the scenes are different
how the experience will be i  dont  know ?
but no choice for me either to cry or to jumb in joy
simply function like a toy
though i dont have any prayer i wish to become prayerfullness
so that me will be more receptive and doorway for the cool breeze
a famous quote of jesus allways come or i seen when ever /where ever i am in this situation
"my society will go in front of you" ( yen samugam unakku munbaga chellum)
so i trust shiva will always go in front of me to clear the hurdles and pave the way
so as to reach his lotus feet
let this yatra to velliangiri become such one for all the people who comes with me
and who offer this great previlage to me
i bow down
swami sushantha

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