The kedar----- past and present - what i seen and what is need
a small effort from this small person for the abode of shiva
Pujya swamiji
Paramarth nikethan
Respected Swamiji,
With your blessings and grace of Guru , something is manifested with reference to kedarnath according to what I came to present to you. As you guided here i submit this at your high desk. Whatever I submitted here , may not a technical report or permanent solution but just given in words whatever i feel . I gave myself to give in this , best possible presentation within my limitations.
I trust , people like you can develop these things with the contacts and experts that you had in your life. I know the forum like Guru Sangamam , where top most religious leaders whom have good reputation and impact in present world can take up such small task to restore the pride of our culture.
My gratitude for you to
give me an opportunity to work for what i feel.
Bow down to you
Swami sushantha
Index - how i present here in broad section
- kedar settlement past and present
- zooming in
- the trek routes
- Action plan
- what badri-kedar temple committee can offer
- for the future
- what i will ask for guptakashi
- suggestion to strengthen
- what you can do
" SAVE KEDAR " - Project presentation
1. Kedarnath
settlement before and after flood
settlement from bhairavnath temple with route for bhirav nath temple – dhooth
ganga in opposite – river saraswathi flowing like a stream below the path of
road to bhiravnath temple
Pic 01
Present state after flood -- once can see now the stream saraswathi also flows like river and both rivers if it flows in fullswing in the rainy seasons , kedar settlement will become an island above all the upper landscape now wide invitation for the rivers to flow inside the town like ever before due to height between the river bed and ground level is just few feet
Pic 02
in the upper region now the riverpath is
wide open in such a way now in rainfall water can straightaway enter into kedar
settlement due to ground level in the river and behind the temple are in equal
position due to debries come in the flood
On the other side the river saraswathi now
flowing in broder space of nearly 50 ft width and this become main river now
due to river has taken diversive route at the top of kedar
Pic 03 – scene just
infront of temple as on 15th oct 2013
The debris of the buildings not yet cleared
– this is just in front of the temple –status as on 15th oct 2013
In the picture it is clearly visible that
the ground floor is under mud – the height elevation of the temple parikrama is
completely gone due to nearly 25 ft mud
room in the every building is filled with half ft mud –since wet mud and dead
bodies the bad odour in the area is very strong and one can get infection
Pic 03A
soil – as burial ground –with remains of bones - the pic taken at gaurikund - not yet cleaned
the following picture is at the entrance of jaipur house in kedarnath , shows the difference between the what the government claims and present status as on 15th oct 2013
Pic 03B
The wrakage of helicopter – inside materials looted by people – on the trek way near jungle chatty
2. Status of every building and rooms that existing now
pic’s will express the condition of rooms now , threat for infection and living
Pic 04
Pic 05
Pic 06
3. the temple view – in the upper region
Pic 07 view of mandagini
canal below the town area
Pic 07A
landscape of kedar –view from back side – from the trekking route for Gandhi
sarovar – before the disaster
Pic 08 - view of mandagini entry point – debris of bharat seva ashram (existed just 2 building adjacent to adhisankara yoga Samadhi area in the back side of temple – which was above the water level nearly 20 ft (approx) earlier before the flood
Below Pic 09 – clear view of increase of river bed at the entry point itself in the upper region of kedarnath behind the temple
Pic 09A
view of present kedar – to give clear view of landscape for river to flow
Pic 10 – the point where Samadhi was existed approx 20 ft above the river level
Pic 11 – view of the temple and town from behind ( approx this is the point where the back side queue for dharshan will come)
Pic 11A
of kedar –from the adisankarar sthubi place –before flood –where u can see the
market – the height of shop is below the temple ground now the market is under
The first picture is ariel view of kedar
from the gantisarovar trek route – in which , the canal that goes down is the
route of mandagini , which is below the kedar ground level approx – 20 ft at
adisankara Samadhi, becoming more
depth in the slop , so that at the
bridge or near the meeting point of dhooth ganga it running nearly 40 ft below
the kedar road level
The below picture is the corner place where
river mandagini enters in the kedar boundary –back side of adisankaracharya
yoga samadhi area
The river bed has lost its depth from the
ground level – also wide open so any excess water flows from the hills, will
naturally can turn inside the settlement
4. Temple
pic 12 – old picture
Pic 13 – view before the flood in june – with the elevation of nearly 15 ft from the ground level of market road
Pic 13A
Pic 14 –present status –now after reopening of temple for yatra –as on 15th oct 2013
now without any elevation
from ground level –also this picture clearly makes us visible how the river
mandagini is open at the entry point and how slope of ground straight to the
temple area – which is threat in futre whenever water level raises - also this picture gives clear vision of how
much temple building is under the earth
Pic 15
Pic 15A
Pic 15B
ariel view - after the beauty of land filled with debries and stones
Pic 15C
damage in the temple building -in the side entrance
Earlier – temple area – ground level
Upto devotees queue area the slop is equal
which I consider as zero point – when it comes in the area adisankaracharya
Samadhi building, the building is 20 ft below the ground level (queue area)
behind the Samadhi it further decrease nearly (approx)15 ft low , then canal
wall stands where below the wall river mandagini flows
Now – at this point there is no
difference in the ground level due to pile of mud and rocks deposited in the
5. Main market area
Pic 16 --earlier - now for this shop roof height mud was filled
Pic 17 ---Present status as on 15th oct
2013– this whole height of shops are under mud now- without clearing debris of
buildings and rocks, just a 2 ft marking has been done to reach the temple
Here ground level has increased nearly 30
ft due to deposit of debries, mud and rocks in such a way the elevation of
temple from the market ground level (nearly 15 ft) has completely under earth –
and in the temple parikrama also , mud has deposited nearly 3 to 4 ft
But at the same time in the next lane of
street which is parallel to this market road , though buildings and road has
washed in water from bharat seva ashram to temple area , in rest of the places
, that is upto Maharashtra mandal road exists as it is – just the debris of the
damaged buildings and big rocks that floated in flood was yet to be cleared
Though this line of buildings are mostly
safe , the inner two rows of buildings between the market road and this road
are totally damaged in the flood .so now there is no connecting path between
these two , due to huge deposit of debris has yet to be cleared
But in all these existing buildings minimum
half ft mud got deposited. Apart from these one thing I noticed in kedar,
during this trip on 13th oct 2013, which confirmed sayings of
locals, that every room has been looted by social criminals in search of
6. Lower
market area –just at the entrance
route earlier where dhoothganga joins –near the connecting bridge –before flood
Pic 18 ----- before the flood
Pic 19 – same view From the bridge –before the flood
Now the same area after the flood – the same Maharashtra mandal now just less then 15 ft height from the river bed – in the bridge area it is just few ft height now
Pic – 20 --- same bridge area now after the june flood
closure look gives u the real height between the river bed and the town in the same place - which is down place of town
the river started to flow inside the kedar town on 16th june 2013
around 8.30 pm, first at the back side of adisankaracharya Samadhi area behind the temple area , due to heavy inflow
of water in river basis and persistant rains since 10th june 2013 I
could witness considerable raise in the water level (approximately 15 to 20 ft)
below the Maharashtra mandal , before the dhooth ganga joins with mandagini at
the lower level of kedar
distance between the higher point area adisankara Samadhi area and to the lower
area , the kedar entry bridge may be approx 500 to 600 mt . but due to
continous rain from 10th june , I could see nearly 25 ft (
approximately 3 to 5 ft difference of higher side between these two points due
to the confluence of dhooth ganga) which is just very few feet distance to
touch the bridge.
due to ground level increased in the river basis to approximately to 25 ft from
the previous water level (which itself raised above the rocks in the river
which is approx to 10 ft height) now not only the difference in height between
road level (first road in kedar while entering in town , which is parallel to
main market road , has reduced to just 10 to 15 ft approx instead of earlier 40
to 50 ft – can be seen difference in the pictures
Since the road has got washed away at
the lower point ,from the old connecting bridge to Maharashtra mandal area with
its elevation, now it is very important to build 15ft width and 40 to 50 ft
height soil erosion wall with rocks or in concrete, from this point to upper
area (old point of adisankara yoga Samadhi building and as a curve upto river
saraswathy point) should be build – this may stop further land slides , apart
from that when water level in the rivers increased in the rainy season due to
the flow from upper region , mostly it can be chanalised to prevent the temple
area and avoid causalities in future
on the other side of kedar , in the river saraswathi basin also now we have to
do it .
8. River saraswathi flowing area
side of kedar settlement –below the bhiravnath temple – which u can see how
space of width now it occupies to flow- in first pic u can see it as stream and
in second pic u can see how much depth and width now it takes
pic – 21 –
the small stream that flows near the cement road to bhiravnath temple is
Pic –22---- in the left side now same stream flows in such depth and conflucening now at the old bridge area at the lower point of kedar
9. Way to Old helipad area -the stream bed of saraswathi now
Pic – 23 -------Before the flood
Pic 24----Now after the flood – now mandagini has taken this route as its major flow
10. Gaurikund area
Pic 25 ----the status of devi temple at present –as
on 15th oct 2013
Pic 26 -----The hot water spring in the gaurikund now – as on 15th oct 2013
Though the many of the areas washed in water , also previous bus route does not exists ,but still if the remaining buildings can be operated it can still accommodate nearly 500 people (need to chek up)
the view of old route and stranded buses - while going to gaurikund in the new route (which is actually older route for people to trek to gaurikund for the locals and godawalas )
the new route between sonprayag and gaurikund , is at some points , more than
500 mts (approx) walks in the river basin itself which is dangerous for trek in
the rainy season due to increase flow of water
Atleast the above places has to be
cleaned and restore it to its old glory – apart from this now these points are
open to river due to the buildings on the other side washed away in the flood .
in order to prevent these sacred points , wall with sufficient thickness has to
be build
Rambara –before and now (not exists)
Pic 27 –
Rambara before june 16th 2013
Pic 28 – now after june 16th 2013 – the area
route and older route comparission
Pic 29 -----
older route above to Rambara
Pic 30 – new route above to limpcholi camp , the final streatch after claimbing up and down like this in few mountains, before the final camp 2 km before kedarnath (new helipad area)
These kind of steep claimbing at various
hills , and keep going down and claimbing up make trekkers so difficult in claimbing
Also the newly layed route is very narrow ,
unlike the older one where it has space for godas and people can travel
together in both ways. Now even if just trekkers walk in both sides , the path
does not have enough space to walk freely.
Also though till at the area of rambara ,
where the older route exists after initial 1.5 km from gaurikund till bheembali
(6 th km) after that the distance upto kedar has increased due to higher
altitude. This one can be clearly see at the point of Garurchatty how much
increase between older route and new route
Earlier in the older route one need not
claim up and then down again up on the another mountain but at present from
rambara to camp site at kedarnath , one has to go to this process of up and
down , nearly 3 to 4 times – this makes the trek so difficult (especially when
one has to carry with his luggages and you can’t allow goda service and doli
services in this route which will make more difficult in walking space for
trekkers as the route at many place is just nearly 2 to 3 ft width)
Also the new trek route after rambara to
last camp area before kedarnath, nearly 3 to 4 forest streams flowing with high
fury . during the rainy season for sure one can’t trek in this very narrow trek
path –which is just 2 to 3 ft width
New trek route a glimpse
Need to address the issue in the areas
where older route has washed away to the depth of nearly 50 mt –so now trekking
is possible only in the river basin which is dangerous in the rainy seasons due
to increase of water flow
Pic 31
Pic 32 – new
route is in the river – nearly 50 ft below the original postion
Pic 32A
Gaurikund to Rambara Pic 33-
muddy single path in such slop on loose soil
Pic 33A
the picture shows the left out gaurikund - just before you join on the trek point (where u can get horses and poni's) now so empty-- after you crossing the devi temple and hot water spring
at the end of this point ---Doli and goda booking area , at the end of gaurikund where trek begins
at the end of this point ---Doli and goda booking area , at the end of gaurikund where trek begins
Pic 34- risky
small pathway where single man only slowly can go
Pic -35 - view of road side camp at bheembali and rambara (just in scrab)
What can be done here
the number of tents can be increased in such a way number of accommodation can be increased to 250 to 300 or at the maximum level , by creating more roadside camp and community kitchen can be handed over to some NGO or ashram .
After bheembali – way to rambara
Pic 36 ( new trek road on old route- near rambara)
Pic 37 (new trek route on old route- after old one washed away in flood –before reaching rambara)
Pic 38
crossing the Rambara to go to new route–
temp bridge now made to cross the river by going down nearly 30 to 40 ft from
older route to go to the new route in the opposite mountain
Pic 39 New route – from rambara to limpcholi
Pic -40
-View from rambara –just debris exists–one can see garurchatty ashram in left
and limcholi camp on the right
Pic 41 --Below -Limpcholi camp – at present just accommodations made just to a capacity of 50 people but definitely it can be increased to 500 people by using the near by areas (100 camps of each 5 people can stay attached with toilets apart creating few public toilets for trespassers (, with the structures made in fibre material at the camp site 2 km before kedarnath – before the older helipad area
Pic 42 --Closure look of limpcholi camp
Pic 43---Below - View of older route (from new route) still existing in good contion ,but the route more than 500 mts has washed away
What can be done here
Between limpcholi and upper camp where
before one claim the hill in pic ----- there is a vast plain space in the right
side. Now new route making process by connecting this place
and the mountain in the helipad area camp, is going on . it also has to be
connected with an bridge (which may take time). By this connection , people who
trek can avoid this highly demanding claimbiing even for locals
In this area , we can build fibre made
huts where u can accommodate nearly 500 to 1000 people. Can
be ask some NGO or ashram to provide this service with kitchen (need to build
an helipad to transport materials) to serve the devotees on free service may be
in return they can get donation whatever devotees is wish to offer
Pic 44 ---Below – view of the camp site , approx 1.5
km before kedarnath
the govt build huts for 10 rooms where accommodation can be given for 50 people
– apart from that another 10 to 15 tents has been placed where another 50
people can be accommodated , excluding the space for administrative officials
Pic 45 – closure look of camp in helipad area before kedarnath- marking has been done to reach the temple town area –
Newly connecting bridge from helipad area to kedar settlement area - laid on the river saraswathi -on the opposite side of previous entrance - work is on process - the lower bridge is now in operation
What can be done here
At present
- accommodation has been made just 150 people that too half of the space
just made in tents. Instead the same kind of fibre huts can be made , which
will be more stable and more warmth for pilgrims in this chill weather. Also if
we can use the lot of ground space that is available here , we can build this
kind of fibre igloo’s with attached toilets and bathrooms which can accommodate
5 member in each , in large number we can create accommodation min for 1000
people at this point.
at present , it is very difficult to
come from the temple after evening sampoorna arathi dharshan due to no street
lights has been provided in the pathway. It is very necessary and need at
this place especially many of the people who are coming is first timers.
of government can do this stay and kitchen services (right now gayathri parivar
people providing the kitchen service at this point and at limpcholi) if we can
involve the religious organizations permanently to offer free services to
earlier before the flood , the
pilgrims have not had good experience when huge number of sadhu’s sitting in
parikrama of the kedar temple ,because of their way of approach to demand money
Also due to huge commercialization on
the other hand people who come here for sadhana also not get proper support without
money, since nothing can get without money.
Fortunately by the blessing and grace of you people , local people and
devotees of shiva has taken care my needs for to be here even without asking .
It would be highly wonderful if there
is a situation in kedar , every sanyasi or sadhu can get a conducive atmosphere
without having even first thought about any other thing such as food or shelter
and just focus on their sadhana or in japa , it would be seen with great
reverence about the path and have the
impact in the general people’s experience of sadhu’s and sanyasi’s who are
living in wandering life.
I kindly request you , to bless every
sadhaka who walks in this sacred path by creating a structure at this point to
create condusive atmosphere for spiritual seekers to make use of this sacred
place without worrying or thinking about any other thing by creating same kind
of fibre igloo’s where just 2 or 3 sadhaka’s can join and do their sadhana
Action plan for cleaning up project –
project kedar
v Immediate work to be
done to move for rejuvenation
ü Restoring
the ground level height and landscape as it was existed before 16th
june so that rains or over flow waters
from river will not damage either the temple or the town
ü Cleaning
and purifying the rooms and air by removing the mud and burning all
cloths,beds,blankets to avoid infections of any kind
ü Removing
and disposing the stones came in the flood and debris of damaged buildings
v Danger ahead
ü Already
mentioned the possibility of entering river water in the town and temple area
due to elevations in the landscape of the town and in river bed apart which can
damage the area
v Time limit for anything
to be done
ü Before next rainy season just 30 to 40 days
ahead , and always (from april last to 2nd week of june) this period
is the best period in himalayas . though it is peak season period if yatra also
opened parallel then it will be distruct the cleaning process of the town
ü With
in this period completing all the works such as removing the dumped mud in the
temple and market area, removing big big rocks that came inside the town in the
v Creating condusive
atmosphere to make it happen
ü To
do it and complete this Himalayas task in this limited time , in order to avoid
any delay or lapses in coordination or in setting up priority , through some
one we have to file a PIL in high court or supreme court to make the government
functionary to work in full swing
ü If
this has to happen , in this period due to political or business or any other
kind of pressure not to open the yatra in full swing. Though we can allow the
yatra in full swing in all other areas , by considering the nature of work and
demand through the same court we need to ensure to keep the yatra in low scale
as it is been now .
ü it will give the opportunity for the
administration to focus and support the task , also it will support the locals
and agencies who getting involve in this process to work freely without any
v How
to do it
§ Creating
an unified command with prominent religious leaders to create a plan of action
§ Creating
a expert level committee to support the task and to coordinate with government
agencies and to handle political and legal issues in order to complete the task
with out any hurdles
§ creating awareness among devotees and public so that by legal process like PIL or writting to chief justice of india we have to make the government to understand the significance
of the project , and ensure to handover the task to our military
§ Approaching
big companies such as L&T ,GMR groups who handles big big projects who have
high tech machines to use in free service for the task
§ Creating
resources of volunteers and organizations to run community kitchen and serve
the field workers who getting involve , thru the organizations who can handle
in such capacity
II (simultaneously to be done while cleaning happening in kedar)
v Creating
more fibre igloo’s in the upper camp area , to increase the accommodation from
present 150 (100 yatri’s and 50 administrative people) to 500 to 1000 yatries
(100 huts x 5 people each )
ü Which
can be done by involving various prominent ashrams by allotting land in this
area , to create each 25 huts with an community kitchen
ü This
not only help the devotees but also bring lot of reverence on spiritual
v Creating
another camp between limpcholi and upper camp in the plain area where 100 huts
, for a capacity of 500 pilgrim accommodation with community kitchen
v Increasing
the accommodation facility at limpcholi and bheembali area’s from 50 people to
300 to 500 people
v Hurdles
ü Transporting big big machinaries such as
poklines, jcb’s and fuel to these vehicles to this higher altitude by using
cargo helicopter – this suggestion already told by military personnels during
the rescue operation
v Cost
ü If
we make the government to hand over the cleaning task and bring the ground
level height back to original position , to army then cost factor will be in
ü For
community kitchen and fibre made igloos to create accommodations we can get
sponsor from corporate sector by decentraling the task so that all the
prominent organizations can participate in serving the devotees
services if given by badri –kedar temple committee which will be useful for
§ Offering free transportation
of luggages of devotees who goes on trek , between sonprayag and kedarnath
ü On
behalf of BKTC one cargo helicopter can be purchased and put in service at
kedarnath , so that for all the devotees , as a free service , we can collect
their luggages in the trek beginning point and can be transported to the
kedarnath , there they can collect it when they reach (similarly viceversa on
return) This will help every devotee to trek the yatra with more comfortable in
physical which can make them to chant the nama of the divine atleast sometime
(or we can make one donor can donate one cargo helicopter so that bktc can
operate it)
§ Setting up multilingual
information centres
ü When
people come across from all over the world , we have not yet providing multi
lingual information systems whether it is about informations about the temple
or about any services. It is time the Bktc has to set up a mechanism and a
system , to train the locals and offer such services at every point
For Better disaster management to avoid
it is earth quake , flood in rainy season or any such thing happening in the
world is natural. The countries like japan and Indonesia are frequently
affected by earth quakes and tsunami’s. similarly the country like usa ,
Thailand is keep getting affecting by storms . Though heavy damage is been
reported due to the fury of nature on such circumstance but comparatively they
are better handling the calamities. Enough care and systems are in place to
save humans.
quickly normality returns with quality infrastructures and communication
in our country, I am still seeing since 12 sep 2012 , the cloud burst in
ukhimath, even the small distance of road has not yet laid after the landslide.
I feel this is the time that we should use the technology for better life and
to create better systems.
is more important when the following kind of news alerts came (in tehelka
magazine) in this july
The conclusion was
reached following seismic imaging (similar to human body imaging) of the
Kumaon-Garhwal region in Uttarakhand
here few of my suggestions in this regard
Ensuring 3G uninterrupted services of bsnl at all over uttarakhand
Which help to use the
updated mobile technology to give alerts , to use better internet technology
and websites – right now when only 2g service has been provided by all network
agencies, and that too is not consistant all the time , we can’t apply the updated technology in better usage so as government
agency it is important to ensure the bsnl to provide 3g service and tower in
every possible village or hamlets for better service to get - this is very basic need i feel
Developing an mobile application which can be free downloaded
now Android technology has
made lot of difference in mobile usage and technology. If we can develop an
application, specially for uttarakhand , all the people’s can be given updated
informations such as weather reports, rain alerts, disaster alerts
Using technology for registering and tracking- website solution
Now after the disaster ,
the government has announced some procedures to control the devotees travel to
kedarnath in the name of registration. Though they say it is registration thru
media and in other sources, they maked it as process of permission to go kedar
To know the details of
yatries , it is enough if we get their name , address and phone number, contact
persons . may be we can ask them just to give an declaration of letter that
they undertaking the pilgrimage at their risk
But now in the name of
permission , they asking proof of identity . I know there are few sadhu’s who
have not given permission to go for kedar since 5th oct 2013 till I
came here to dharshan you. Actually for registration it does not require.
When in this time , where
not even pilgrims flow is not as it was in every year , if they handle like
this imagine a situation what will be and how they will handle if it pilgrims
started to come as it will be. Also the
present system will be time taking process , to go thru all the process at
guptakashi , which also has loophole of corruption by bribing the
administrative officials inorder to complete the yatra in time by travel
agents. Apart from this , now in the present system this tracking is possible
only for kedarnath.
Instead if we can develop
an multi language website, in which an
yatri or the devotees group or tour organizer/agent can upload all the
necessary informations including uploading of photos and medical certificates by
their family doctors who knows their health condition and complexities /issues
--- and created registration booths at various points across the travel routes
from haridwar to all over uttarakhand , at every point we can track them
It will help pilgrims to reduce their time
in the process after coming here
It will help the administration to track
the people and to regulate the yatra at higher altitudes depending on weather
conditions and accommodation facilities available
It also help the relatives of the pilgrims
to get updated info about their travelers whenever they required
Today very good tracking system mechanisms
are available in technology and even for the cost of implementation can be get
from the pilgrims itself
of tracking devices and mobile applications supported by GPRS and satellite –so if all the details about the traveler
already uploaded in the website, when the registration time ( just as reporting
time ) by verifying the data in person we can tie these kind of devices while
entering in the state and when they leave the state we can collect it back
Pic 046

Few examples of disaster alert mobile
applications (we can create customize for our need)
Pic 047

Setting up technology to collect rainfall data at higher altitudes
·I have read an article
which claims at higher altitudes above 3000 ft above the metrological
department has instruments to collect the snow fall data only. The article
compares the rainfall data in various places like uttarakashi, chamoli dist ,
etc etc on 16th june but it said we have not set up data collecting
instruments at higher altitudes to collect rainfall data as human habitat is
not there .
the article is about
significance of rain fall collection mechanism at these higher altitudes will
help us to predict disasters and give necessary alerts . though I forget the magazine (in the online
magazine only I read that) it will help us to avoid casualities in the case of
disasters. (so need to check with metrological sources and do the needful)
· Using the science and
technology in right way for the development and utility of our needs
I read a news that our scientists are busy in sending satellite to mars on 28th
oct 2013. Instead of wasting money like
this , if we could send satellites for the well being of our society and
improve the infrastructure and services for our people it would be cost
effective and better benefit we get.
I told earlier we must initiate satellite services to improve and serve for our
people in the field of agriculture , communication systems, disaster
managements. That’s why I told providing 3g service (if not 4g) by installing
the tower at every village by our bsnl network
What I wish to ask For Guptakashi
is a significant land mark in kedar region and for the kedar pilgrimage. But
still when many villages from Gaurikund is mainly depending on this place. When
I compare myself with the villages in
andra I would still consider guptakashi is still lacking many things .
a junction which handles very important yatra and huge pilgrims , not even has
better medical facilities available. The only government hospital is told that
it has only 3 bed facilities. Imagine how much services that village childrens
and womens can get from this small and less infrastructure medical hospital.
for the past one year living here I noticed, that every one in this region or
beyond this has only choice of going to Augusthiyamuni for higher education.
Also the place has not have facility for people to get better expose in
business languages like English , especially when it is occupies too much in
every industry.
I would like to ask you the following boons to create and offer to these
peoples , which will give better future for the childrens of this region
An 100 bed hospital to nearby this area , which can offer
services for womens, aged peoples, diabetics, eye problems, child nutrition
with better technology and caring doctors
A place which can offer
Ø A digital library and a
small theatre to view best documentaries for them to understand and to get
train about the environment, disaster
managements etc
Ø A good library where
students and people can expose to English novels and magazines so that better
interaction with tourists
Ø An yoga shala and Gim
centre where the younger generation can get better fitness
Ø A place where younger
generation can learn carnatic and Hindustani musics and instruments
other things for sustainable development in the kedar region
in the low level areas ,
from rudraprayag to chandrapuri village in the kedarnath route , now
excess damage of road has happened due to the flood water has take road in many
places. These areas
generally between the river level
and to the road level is very low comparatively
to other places.
it is important
and useful if we build in the size of 15
ft width x 50 ft ht strong concrete wall
along the river basin . by this atleast near future or unless if
any extra ordinary moments of flood occurs this thick wall can prevent water
not to damage the roads
the road between guptakasi to sonprayag also in very damaged condition.
Though approximately it
costs approx 1 cr per km , for this 100 + km from rudhraprayag
to sonprayag or atleast upto chandrapuri (which is approx 50 to 60 km ) still
it is very much possible one when the companies like L&T and good experts
and better technology is available today
know in my school days , shri sathya sai baba , in early 80’s thru his organisation
has coordinated , implemented the water project which gave benefit for nearly 6
to 7 district people which costed nearly
in hundred’s of crores .
if reputed organizations
and ashrams like Ramakrishna math, and
people like you and Baba ramdev and mata amirthanandhamayee can join
hands and get the support the corporate sector and the government, I sincerely feel
whatever I said can be improve with experts idea’s and can be
implemented so effortless
19. What you can do -as an individual
as i already told in action plan, every one of you , either as individual or as join as group with your friends and like minded people , can file a PIL or write to chief justice of India , to ensure the government beyond the politics and political parties to restore the pride of the land and culture , which is source of faith for millions of peoples for ages and ages
you can write letters for whoever you feel , the religious leaders, the chief minister and prime minister , the supreme court , to ask them to do something to restore the pride of our culture and land.
i did my part . what about you?
The video uploaded by tilaksoni
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